
It isn't news that Dr. God has been very busy lately. Some think we've been working on various projects across different types of media. Others think we took a vacation together. There's one man in Cleveland who thinks we've been setting up an elaborate Rube Goldberg device.

The truth is, we've all been working on our handsome to match our February Revival guest, Jason E. Kelley. You probably know Jason from all his work at iO West and Second City or from his monster run on Murder in the First on TNT, but he's also an Emmy Award winning voiceover talent and an NAACP Theatre Award winning stage actor. But most importantly, he's a swell guy and easy on the eyes. Hope to see you there!

Dr. God Revival with Jason E. Kelley

Saturday, February 20th @ 11pm at iO West on the Main Stage - tickets are $10 (FREE for iO students)

For tickets, call (323) 962-7560, click on the link above, or find this show on the iO West page

AuthorJustin Ware